Consumer policy
European electronic commerce usage and regulation (presentation for Sinobridge, UK, 2014).
DCMS Communications Review: the Consumer Perspective (response to DCMS, UK, 2012).
European legislation for communications user protection (presentation for Consumer Focus, UK, 2010).
Consumer policy for communications in the United Kingdom (presentation for Consumer Focus, UK, 2010).
Communications regulation for user benefit: learning from experience in Australia and the United Kingdom (presentation with Gerard Goggin for EuroCPR, 2010).
The mobile call termination rate debate: implications for consumers (report for the Communications Consumer Panel, 2008).
Impacts of convergence on consumer policy (presentation for CRASA, 2007).
Response to the Ofcom consultation document ‘Migrations, switching and mis-selling’ (response to Ofcom, UK, 2006).
Notes on price comparison, related to the consultation on Ofcom’s consumer policy (response to Ofcom, UK, 2006).
Response to the Ofcom statement and consultation on protecting citizen-consumers from mis-selling of fixed line telecoms services (response to Ofcom, UK, 2004).
ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Meetings of Consumer Societies (reports for ITU, 1999-2002).
Comments on the 1999 Communications Review (response to the European Commission, 2000).
Tariff transparency in a multi-operator environment (report with Ovum for the European Commission, 1999).
Quality of service
Broadcasting And Telecommunication (Quality Of Service) Regulations Consultation Paper (consultative document for DICT, Seychelles, 2016).
Quality of Service Standards and Guidelines for the Telecommunications Sector - A Consultative Document (consultative document for OUR, Jamaica, 2010).
Quality of Service Regulation (regulatory document for TRA, Bahrain, 2008).
Report on the Consultation for the Draft Quality of Service Regulation (consultative document for TRA, Bahrain, 2008).
Quality of Service Regulations (regulatory document for NCC, Nigeria, 2008).
ICT Quality of Service Regulation: Practices and Proposals - report (report for ITU, 2006).
ICT Quality of Service Regulation: Practices and Proposals - presentation (presentation for ITU, 2006).
Carrier IP Network Telephony Requirements (report for Nortel, 2004).
Carrier IP Network Design for Performance and Dependability (report for Nortel, 2004).
Regulating Quality of Service: chapter 14 of Telecom Reform: Principles, Policies and Regulatory Practices (book edited by William Melody for DTU, 1997) (1.8 MB). For other documents please see the overview.
Type Approval Regulations (regulatory document for NCC, Nigeria, 2008).
Type Approval Guidelines (regulatory document for NCC, Nigeria, 2007).
Discussion on the numbering regulation for Somalia (consultative document for MPTT, Somalia, 2018).
The introduction of mobile number portability in Palestine (report for MTIT, Palestine, 2017).
Consultation on the numbering plan for Myanmar (consultative document for PTD, Myanmar, 2016).
Consultation on number portability for Iraq (consultative document with Carin Johansson for CMC, Iraq, 2015).
Special numbers in the United Arab Emirates (report with Frontier Economics for TRA, UAE, 2015).
The evolution of geographic numbering in Ireland - consultants' report (report with Analysys Mason for ComReg, Ireland, 2013).
The provision of machine-to-machine numbering in Ireland - consultants' report (report with Analysys Mason for ComReg, Ireland, 2013).
Numbering Plan Regulations (regulatory document for ICASA, South Africa, 2012).
Numbering Plan Regulations Reasons Document (regulatory document for ICASA, South Africa, 2012).
Numbering Regulation (regulatory document for TRA, Lebanon, 2008).
National Numbering Plan (regulatory document for TRA, Lebanon, 2008).
Numbering Regulations (regulatory document for NCC, Nigeria, 2008).
Numbering for competition in Mongolia (report for CRC, Mongolia, 2007).
Numbering for convergence in Colombia (report for CRT, Colombia, 2006).
World numbering developments (report, 2005).
Implementing the new 10-digit numbering plan in Sri Lanka (report for the Ministry of Economic Reform, Sri Lanka, 2003).
Implementing international call-by-call carrier selection codes in Sri Lanka (report for the Ministry of Economic Reform, Sri Lanka, 2003).
Numbering harmonization in the SADC region - a briefing paper (report for TRASA, 2002).
Numbering trends - a global overview (report for TRASA, 2002).
World numbering trends and implications (presentation for CINTEL, Colombia, 2001).
Potential for harmonizing new services and short codes numbering in Asia and the Pacific region (report for ITU, 2000).
A strategic numbering review - report (report with Ovum for DGTP, Netherlands, 2000).
A strategic numbering review - annex (report with Ovum for DGTP, Netherlands, 2000).
The future of Botswana's numbering plan (report for BTA, Botswana, 1999).
Review of national numbering schemes on their openness to competition (report with Ovum and ETO for the European Commission, 1997).
The Design and Management of Numbering Systems: chapter 12 of Telecom Reform: Principles, Policies and Regulatory Practices (book edited by William Melody for DTU, 1997) (1.8 MB). For other documents please see the overview.
Unwanted commercial communications
Effectiveness of actions to reduce harm from nuisance calls in Scotland (report for the Scottish Government, UK, 2018).
Nuisance calls and texts: what can be done? (presentation for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology at the ITU seminar in Chongqing, China, 2016).
Nuisance calls - a comparative policy study (presentation for the London Action Plan, 2015).
Nuisance calls - a revised consumer agenda (paper for the Consumer Forum for Communications, UK, 2015).
Combatting nuisance calls and texts - report (report for Stepchange, UK, 2015).
Combatting nuisance calls and texts - annex (report for Stepchange, UK, 2015).
Nuisance Calls - A Case for Concerted Action (paper for LSE, UK, 2013).
Combating unwanted calls and texts (presentation for the Consumer Forum for Communications, UK, 2013).
Specially tariffed communications
Numbering management and consumer protection for premium rate messages (presentation for Tariff Consultancy, 2009).
The feasibility of a central registration service for premium rate service providers (report with Indepen for Ofcom, UK, 2007).
Response to Ofcom’s consultation on premium rate service numbering (response to Ofcom, UK, 2004).
Please see the list on the universal service page.